Life is what you make it - you've heard it said before, but is it true?  I believe that this is definitely true as far as our health is concerned,  and that through Natural Hygiene we can claim back what is rightfully ours; vibrant health.

The condition of our bodies are determined by what we put into it.  A 'meat and two veg' diet gives us low-energy levels and a plethora of acute diseases which lead eventually to degenerative disease.  Disease is not caused by germs or by viruses, according to Natural Hygienists, and bacteria only play a role when the blood-stream is already saturated with poisons.  Indeed, bacteria are all friendly and help to clean up toxic debris. 

You need to understand that disease is caused by unhealthful living.  This can be wrong eating habits, lack of fresh air or exercise, lack of sunshine, negative emotional patterns, etc. but it is most often caused by wrong eating habits.  Our gastro-intestinal tract is usually the victim!  The majority of people do not combine their foods properly, make poor food choices, eat when they are not hungry, drink alcohol and smoke and end up with all sorts of diseases.

You need to understand that there is NO magic bullet - drugs, including herbal drugs, cannot cure.  I know this is bad news for many people, but chemicals, synthetic vitamins and minerals, herbal drugs, etc. do not possess intelligence and, therefore, cannot cure disease - they only give the illusion of curing.  Disease must be attacked at its very roots - the cause - and then and only then can you turn around the disease process. 

I realise that these ideas may sound radical to you, but it is important to understand that drugs merely suppress symptoms.  When our bodies are poisoned, by drugs, they are often forced to halt the disease (or healing crisis) because the body is placed in great danger.  The body has to accommodate the poisonous drug (in whichever form it takes), or otherwise expel the poison.  When the body is continually forced to suppress healing activity, it is left with a dilemma: Whether to heal or whether to kill, i.e. whether to expel the poisonous substance and continue house-cleaning (i.e. getting rid of internal poisons which have been building up in the body in the form of, for instance, colds, flu, bronchitis, etc.) or whether to build up inside the body and eventually destroy living tissue.

Unfortunately, the average person simply does not know how to assume control of their own health, so they pass it on blindly to the medical profession, as their mother or father did, or other peers have done in the past.  They know in the back of their minds that eating chips and burgers and other fast foods are bad for you, but they don't realise that all meat and that, indeed, many cooked foods are bad for us.  They know that they shouldn't eat sweets and chocolate, or too much alcohol but the propganda is rife and the commercial advertising keeps beckoning them to eat and eat and eat all those bad foods and they think to themselves: "Really, the damage can't be that bad can it?"

The good news is that the alternatives are simple.  Eating the correct food for our physiology, fresh air, pure water, adequate sunshine, sleep and exercise, emotional poise, etc. must be achieved.  We must educate ourselves and others to claim back what is our birthright.

The truth is that health is free for the taking to most of us!   Speak to any Natural Hygienist, including myself to find out more!

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